A few years ago for Christmas we really wanted to make something for the
Grandparents. I know that the presents I love the most as those that people take time into making. So I just assume that everyone else is the same. I think it's so special when you receive something someone took time, thought and a little work into doing. I guess I'm a little sentimental that way.
We had our family pictures taken well I was pregnant with sweetpea. There were so many that we loved but didn't want to give the Grandparents a big bulk frame plus we wanted them to be able to update it as they wanted. We came up with an idea that turned into this ( Sorry about the poor photo, it's the only one I have of this project).
I printed the letters off from the computer. My husband took them and found some scrap wood, then cut them out with tabs at the bottom. Then made a stand and finished it up with the router. He stained and lacquered it, drilled holes in the top of the letters and twisted wires to hold the pictures.
I think that my husband did a great job and was able to learn a lot well doing his first COMPLETED wood working project.