March 10, 2011

Craft Attack for Sweetpea

When I was near the end of my pregnancy with my daughter I had a made craft attack. I wanted her to have a very cute winter hat but I couldn’t get on in time for her arrival. So not knowing how to crochet or knit and having a fail attempt at knitting I decided to try my hand at crochet.  On to Etsy I went to find an easy crochet pattern. There on LilyKniting I found it a beautiful pattern. She was very helpful and encouraged me to try. For the next week I made as many hats in as many shapes and sizes as I could. I used the internet and my friend Ginny to teach me my basic crochet. This crafty little project started off my crafting kick I hadn’t had since I was a young girl. I used to love all things crafty and glad to have found that fun again.

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